10 fun ideas for a contactless Christmas celebration

We are determined to make the most of the festive season! Get inspired by these 10 fun contactless activities you can do to celebrate the festive season together.

1. Play games online

Playing games is a fun activity at Christmas, and many games also work well online! You can play many mobile games together via your smartphone, check for instance Bunch. You can also play many board games together online. Pick a time and play together on Board Game Arena.

Two people playing a game on a mobile phone

2. Online pub quiz via video call

Choose a quizmaster and decide on a subject. The quizmaster can make the questions beforehand or choose from pre-made quizzes via Kahoot so the quizmaster can participate too. Schedule a time, share the Kahoot code and have fun! Play for honour or think of real prizes you can ship out to the winner!

Desk with laptop and tablet

3. Netflix Party

Watching Christmas movies is a typical pastime in December. And one that works just fine remotely! With the Teleparty Google Chrome extension, you can watch Netflix, Disney Plus, Hulu or HBO together with friends and family, and comment on what is happening!

Netflix on tablet

4. Play Animal Crossing together

If you own a Nintendo Switch, you can have a great experience together in the game Animal Crossing, where players can build their island and house to their liking. Players can visit each other and enjoy their islands, which can be decorated especially for Christmas.

Nintendo Switch with game

5. Decorate your desk

If you are working from home, decorating your desk is a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. It will be fun to see each other’s decorated desk during video calls. And it will add greatly to the festive spirit if everyone has their desk decorated!

Desk with Christmas decorations

6. Send goodie/ snack boxes

Christmas is all about sharing and celebrating together. So why not make a goodie box filled with the favourite snacks of your friends and families and surprise them by posting this to them, so they can enjoy it during the celebrations.

Snacks illustrations

7. Virtual ugly Christmas sweater party

Grab your favourite Christmas sweater, or if you don’t own one yet, buy one for one another! Wearing an ugly Christmas sweater makes your virtual celebrations that much more festive. Make sure everyone wears one for maximum jolly effect.

Friends in Christmas sweater

8. Virtual holiday Bingo

Ah, nothing beats a good old game of Bingo. It is also a game that is easy to play virtually. Think about some prizes for the winners, and simply run the game through a free virtual Bingo website such as My Free Bingo Cards.

Bingo cards

9. Christmas Song Charades via video call

In charades, players try to communicate a word, concept or sentence by using their hands. Many variants exist and may or may not allow making noises such as humming and clapping and giving some signs such as a number of fingers referring to the number of syllables in the word. Make sure you agree on the rules and use Christmas songs as a theme! Of course, you can also think of other Christmas themes.

Family playing charades

10. Secret Santa

Virtual or not, no Christmas party is complete without a Secret Santa. With our Secret Santa Generator you can easily set up a group and draw names. You have the option to enter your address and with our gift finder, it is easy to send the desired gift to your target by mail. Then you can put on your ugly Christmas sweater, grab your goodie/snack bag, show off your decorated desk and watch each other unwrap their gifts via Facebook, Zoom or Skype.

Secret Santa gifts

Start Drawing Names

For more inspiration, read our 8 tips about how to organise your Christmas celebrations contactless.

We wish you merry Christmas, no matter the circumstances we are in!